I know I already blogged once today, but I am feeling super sad and hoping I guess that talking/writing about it will help! Scarlett is getting at an age where she can be very stubborn. Up until now when I would give her a nap in her swing during the day, she would sleep 3 hours or more in a row! It was WONDERFUL! At night she's been my sleeping buddy. When she was born she cried a whole heck of a lot. It was like she was scared to be in this very big scary world! At night her and I love to cuddle. She would only sleep really good if she was snuggled right up against me. Almost literally like she was still in the womb. Well, this all came to an ugly end today because she refused with all her might to sleep, and cried a good part of the day. I came to the realization that my last child is flying the coop. I was forced to put her in her crib and let her cry. I have no problem doing this once they reach a certain age, and in fact think it's one of the only ways (for me at least) to find sanity! But I DO have problem when it's my last baby!!!!!! I am getting ready to go to bed and literally ache for my little girl to be right up next to me. How bitter (not sweet in the least) that each day that goes by is another day I won 't ever experience with another baby of my own. Don't misunderstand though...I am very resolute and at peace with my decision to be done having children, but that certainly doesn't make watching them grow up any easier! Darn this!! Why does letting go have to be so ridiculously painful???? If this is a preface to what I will have to endure as my kids each start leaving me, then I don't want any part of it. I want them to stay my babies forever. If only life were a little less complicated. Okay enough, I have every reason to remember that I have absolutely NO RIGHT to complain about something so silly, but I will continue to be sad that my sweet smelling baby girl is snuggling her blankie instead of me. :(