So far Scarlett is the only daughter of mine that isn't brown eyed. She's switchin' it up. :)
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Beautiful Ella Mae...
There is a lovely old lady that we go to church with that I have decided to take under my wing. She is living in a care center and I don't think she's very happy about it, and understanably so! I must first say that this is not quite in character for me. I have to admit that I usually completely suck when it comes to reaching out to others and being charitable so please don't misunderstand this post...I of all people do NOT belong on a pedestal. Anyway, I have been visiting her for the last couple of weeks, and have come away feeling a high I'm not used to! Each time I have seen her I have felt so close to my Heavenly Father. Last night Chris and I took the kids to see her in the Care Center she is currently living in. The kids were acting crazy as usual, so Chris offered to take them for a while so I could visit with her. I was with her for a few hours. The nurse came in at one point and said it was time for dinner, so I offered to go with this lady...her name is Ella Mae. As I sat there, they brought her a tray with a sandwich and soup. Ella Mae asked me to help feed her because her hands get so tired. I was thrilled to help her. I told her I am used to feeding people! I've been feeding my sweet babies for so many years...she laughed...I wanted to cry as I helped her eat that sandwich. I felt closer to the Savior in those few moments then I have in a very long time. I realized that it's true where the scriptures say "If ye have done it unto the least of these, ye have done it unto me" I really did feel that I was at that very moment feeding the Savior! What a neat experience it was. I believe Ella Mae gave more to me last night then I ever gave to her. I hope for that opportunity again.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
My Mom Is So Darn Smart....
Do we ever stop learning from our Mothers? I suppose it depends on the mother we're speaking of, but somehow or another my mother continues to teach me. Yesterday she told me that she had come to the conclusion that we choose to have faith, or we choose to have fear. Then why not she says can't we choose to be happy? She said she's decided that when she is having a down day, she wants to choose to be happy. What astounded me the most about this conversation we were having is that she said she was at the grocery store, and started singing Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer out loud to herself, but to where others could hear. If you don't know my mom, then maybe this isn't shocking to you, but for those of you who do know, this would NEVER happen. I felt proud of my mom for reaching out of her element. I felt proud knowing that even at her age (almost 60) she is still willing to learn knew ways of being a person that has real joy. I felt proud knowing she wouldn't keep that info to herself, but share it with me and allow me to learn from her. Maybe to others this new conclusion is a no brainer, but choosing to be happy doesn't always seems like an option, but in reality it most definitely is! I will try take her advice, and when I am having a day where my kids are driving me completely insane, I will put it to the test. Thanks Mom!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
I Have A Teenager...
Well, not technically, but from the looks of it, I might as well! Halee won't actually be 12 until May, but all of a sudden she is blossoming into a young lady. I have had several people just in the last month mention this to me. She isn't that much shorter than myself, and now boys are checking her out!!! What has happened here? I feel like I'm watching a movie of my child's life, and there was the scene of Halee being baby, then a toddler, then a child, and an hour and a half later she's a young woman. It's not fair how quickly life passes by. I love having Halee around! Her and I often like to escape the chaos and go shopping or out to eat. I am thankful for my soon to be teenager...but am not ready in the least to let her grow up.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Discoveries and friendship
We had our good friends the Brennan's over for our annual tradition where we have dinner and exchange gifts. For whatever reason we got off track for a few years, but are now back to it. The kids had fun exchanging toys from their own toy boxes and playrooms. It was too funny and way cute. I made a few discoveries as I spent time with this great family. I realized that our kids aren't babies anymore. At least not most of them. I remember when their oldest girls were just babies. It amazed me as I watched them how quickly time passes us by. I also discovered that a doll we have in our toy box is Chris' twin (check out the pic) this was funny/creepy, and I can't believe I hadn't realized this sooner. I also discovered that when I met Tammy I was only 24 and I absolutely look 8 years older, but she doesn't. Oh well, some things are out of our control I guess. Most of all though, I discovered that friends are a part of life that should exist for anyone and everyone. I am grateful to them for being the people they are. I am grateful for all my good friends and the strength they give me to keep trudging forward!! Merry Christmas Brennan's until next year. :)
Christmas Tree!
This is most definitely the longest we have ever waited to get a tree. We headed across the river Saturday morning and instead of the usual Christmas tree farm we visit, we stopped at one that only grows Nobles. I LOVED them! They really weren't that much more costly. Here are a few pictures from our great adventure. :)
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Happy Birthday....
Behind this picture of me with my cupcake that I ate right after it was taken, is a woman that is 32 years old today. I guess I am hoping that it's true when they say that the 30's are the new 20's. I'm thinking someone in their 30's decided this to be the case. Either way, I think it's a great saying. I told Santa I wanted to look younger for Christmas, and he said maybe in 15 years and only if we have lots of money. Maybe by then I will think it's okay to just except mother natures will in my life. I'll update you on that in 15 more years. :)
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
This is why I feel so happy to be alive. I don't know how many "Dear Future Husband" letters I wrote as a kid, but I have to tell you, there were many. I always wanted to be married to a great guy and I had very specific requests in these letters. It would go something like this "I hope you are kind, caring, selfless, motivated, spiritual, happy, definitely not moody or rude. Patient (especially if you have to be married to me.) Funny, and most of all, you absolutely and without a doubt must be an excellent father." I can't say Chris is never moody, or always happy, and none of us are motivated all the time (although he seems to never stop and rest.) But I can say that he is an outstanding father. The pictures above depict what happens the minute he walks in the door at the end of the day. He loves to wrestle with Scarlett as crazy as it sounds, and she loves it even more. He has been like this with each and every one of our children. And I might add that he's a wonderful husband too. But WOW, I love the father of my children.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Okay there isn't any, but there might as well be! It's currently around 23 degrees out right now and the low tonight is going to be around 8 degrees. Connor was home sick today and it was definitely a stay at home, bake cookies and eat them while looking out at the cold from the window kind of day. I made 5 dozen chocolate chip cookies, and have eaten approximately 8 so far. No regrets. Feeling truly bad for anyone that doesn't have a warm house to go to. Feeling truly grateful that our family is blessed with warmth and delicious cookies.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Happy Thoughts...
Just having random happy thoughts about my dad that I would like to share. He really IS a terrific Grandpa (papaw.) Can't you tell? I have been sick the last few days. Caught a nasty bug from Grace, who caught it from Scarlett. Hopefully it ends with me. Anyway, I was randomly remembering one time when I was little and we went on a road trip with my dad. He ran into the store on our way out to buy us some coloring books. I couldn't wait!!! I was picturing Strawberry Shortcake (gosh I loved her.) Or some Barbie or Princess coloring book. To my astonishment and disappointment he came out with a G.I Joe coloring book. Are you kidding me? He did have 4 girls!!!!! Ahhh...I guess we can't be perfect all the time. I have since forgiven him. My dad is awesome because he doesn't get stuck in the times. He is always eager to learn something new. If there's a better way, he will learn it and execute it. I love this about him. The funny thing is, I look back on fond memories often (especially now that my parents are aging quickly) and I realize that my dad was at that time my age right now, or YOUNGER!!!! How scary is THAT???!!! I feel blessed to have a mom and a dad that are excellent human beings and taught me well.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Thankful for laughter...
As you all know my family and I belong to the LDS church. We have a Prophet that leads our church named President Thomas S. Monson. He's such a wonderful person! Anyway, today I was showing Grace a picture of him and I said "Grace, this is President Monson. Can you say President Monson??" She took me for a loop and relied "President Monsters." Thank goodness for children.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Love, love, and more love...
I have had a few people who have asked me how I can possibly have enough love to spread to all these children of mine...almost as if we are only given a designated supply of love that will run out if not cautious. To this I would like to share a quote that I ran across a few days ago. "A woman's heart expands in proportion to the number of reasons it has to love." Six children is what the Lord had in store for me, but if he'd given me 20, I would love every single one of them with all my heart. This heart I have isn't has more capacity than I ever dreamed it could hold.
Monday, November 30, 2009

I know I already blogged once today, but I am feeling super sad and hoping I guess that talking/writing about it will help! Scarlett is getting at an age where she can be very stubborn. Up until now when I would give her a nap in her swing during the day, she would sleep 3 hours or more in a row! It was WONDERFUL! At night she's been my sleeping buddy. When she was born she cried a whole heck of a lot. It was like she was scared to be in this very big scary world! At night her and I love to cuddle. She would only sleep really good if she was snuggled right up against me. Almost literally like she was still in the womb. Well, this all came to an ugly end today because she refused with all her might to sleep, and cried a good part of the day. I came to the realization that my last child is flying the coop. I was forced to put her in her crib and let her cry. I have no problem doing this once they reach a certain age, and in fact think it's one of the only ways (for me at least) to find sanity! But I DO have problem when it's my last baby!!!!!! I am getting ready to go to bed and literally ache for my little girl to be right up next to me. How bitter (not sweet in the least) that each day that goes by is another day I won 't ever experience with another baby of my own. Don't misunderstand though...I am very resolute and at peace with my decision to be done having children, but that certainly doesn't make watching them grow up any easier! Darn this!! Why does letting go have to be so ridiculously painful???? If this is a preface to what I will have to endure as my kids each start leaving me, then I don't want any part of it. I want them to stay my babies forever. If only life were a little less complicated. Okay enough, I have every reason to remember that I have absolutely NO RIGHT to complain about something so silly, but I will continue to be sad that my sweet smelling baby girl is snuggling her blankie instead of me. :(
Family Night
Tonight for our family night we turned the couches so they were facing the fireplace and we lit the fire up and drank hot cocoa with marshmellows and sang tons of Christmas songs. This is one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time!! I am wanting the snow to get here ASAP!!! (Maybe not three feet like last year though.) I love living in the beautiful area I have the privilege of living in. :)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Thankfulness And Learning To Laugh...
I am what you might call over obsessive about order and cleanliness. I haven't always been this way, but the last 10 years, I have become this way and I have no idea how to change that. Oh well, the plus is that I have a clean presentable house, but I have determined that I need to learn to laugh and not forget to have fun in my own home. And who really cares if it's a wreck, right?? Halee helped me out with this the other night. Isn't she completely lovely covered in white? Does it look as though you could reach your finger out and taste sugar and sweets? Not this time....try shaving cream. This is definitely out of the ordinary for Halee, but for whatever reason she did something that would normally really make me angry. However, she looked so funny and so puffy white cloudish that all I and Chris could do was laugh. Boy she got off the hook. I think I will try laughing more often in stressful situations. It was serious therapy.
I am so thankful for Thanksgiving. I have every reason in life to be grateful. I have a great husband, my beautiful children, a secure future (at least I think) and I have the Lord in my life. I'm sorry to sound cheesy, but I am so blessed as I am sure so many of you are!!! Enjoy this Holiday...I know I will. I love to eat!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Not enough eyes to see....
Monday, November 16, 2009
Friday, November 13, 2009
Good Times With Kids...
If I could come up with one activity that I absolutely adore doing with my kids, it would hands down be reading. I am really bad because I raid the library and then take forever to return the books. Chris gets really annoyed because I always have late fines. I try to remind him that I am being a good mommy by expanding our kids' minds. I took them there today in fact, and I always feel a calm happy feeling while at the library. I don't get people staring at my large family as much there. Why is this? Oh well, I like it!! The kids were really terrific most of the time, but maybe there's something in the air because they have been AT each other a lot lately. At the end of our outing they started to fight, and I spanked them all (not really) then said "Okay I'm out of here" (really.) All in all I was happy to be there! And I have to say that I am very sad because here soon our library is closing due to low funding. :( I will be buying books at that point because reading is a gift I refuse to deprive my children of.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Funny? Not So Much...
Okay so a few seconds ago I'm sitting here looking at my email and Chris I guess must have been feeling deprived of attention because all of a sudden he's looking in the fridge and he drops to the floor as though he's had a heart attack. I of course (being that I'm a neurotic over obsessive worrier) jumped down and was like "CHRIS!!!!!!!!" He felt instant regret when he saw that I actually thought he might be dead. He ran over and kept saying "I am so sorry!" Meanwhile my heart was beating out of my chest. Was I a happy wife? Um, no. Oh well, it's only been 15 minutes and I am starting to think it was just a tad funny.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Halloween, 2009
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Kiss My Foot!
Growing up this was one of my moms favorite things to say to us kids when she wasn't going to take any you know what from us! This is what I felt like saying to my brood today. We went to visit my parents in my hometown because Chris was due to take some continuing education courses, so I thought I would hang out with my family. We had a great time. I was able to visit one of my best friends that lives an hour from my parents which was very refreshing and fun! Plus she made me chocolate chip cookies...darned girl!! They were yummy. Anyway, it wasn't until the drive home today that I wanted to exclaim to my children "Kiss my foot!!" It was one of those days where the fighting was NON STOP. Constant exclamations of "Her feet are in my face!" or "He poked my back!" or "She spit on me!" (That one really made me mad.) I literally felt like I needed to run far away to another land. In fact at one point I stopped at a red light, looked over and there was an old lady all alone in her car, and I said under my breath..."can I get in your car?" Chris took the "fix" it approach as he watched me crumple before his eyes. He kept saying things like "Oh come on, you know you love them" and "One day you'll laugh at this." Hmmmm...I told him it would be a LONG time before I laugh! Bless Chris' heart for trying to talk me out of my mini breakdown, but you would think he would realize after 12 years that this approach never works for me! I do believe that I will one day laugh though...especially when I am the little old lady sitting in a car all alone....probably even wishing the kids were driving me crazy. Yay for tomorrows...lets hope there won't be any foot kissin'.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...Part VII

Okay, I really feel sorry for those of you who can't stand your mother in law. This would be a horrible feeling. I am so blessed to have a good mother in law because I have heard of a few really scary, overbearing, controlling, nosy mother in laws!! (Sorry to sound harsh...but they DO exist!) My father in law passed away 16 months ago, and I loved and still do love him so very much too! I can honestly say that I am so grateful for these two for many reasons, but for the most part because they raised Chris to be a wonderful person! They raised him with the same core values I was raised with. Chris and I both come from different backgrounds. I am more of a city girl and he is really kind of a country bumpkin, but it goes to show you that as long as you share the same values and you love another, then none of that really matters! The thing that really matters is the fact that our parents loved us, and raised us to be good people. We make lots of mistakes, but we keep trudging ahead and attempting to raise our children with values that will lead them to have a life that brings them joy. I am grateful to my in laws (mother, father, and siblings too!) because they contributed in the making of my dear sweet husband. I will be indebted to them forever for just that.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Tiny Fingerprints....
At our last General Conference President Monson gave a talk I thoroughly enjoyed. I have set goals the last few years to watch every session. I never regret it! I always think "What if I had missed this part?" Something is always said at each session that I needed to hear. President Monson said this of raising children "If you are still in the process of raising children, be aware that the tiny fingerprints that show up on almost every newly cleaned surface, the toys scattered about the house, the piles and piles of laundry to be tackled will disappear all too soon and that you will—to your surprise—miss them profoundly." WOW. I needed to hear that so I could once again be reminded that my children are everything and that all too soon, they will be raising their own little family. I love my children.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...Part VI

I was 6 years old when my one and only brother David was born. Being one of 4 girls, having a brother had always been a huge dream I wanted to come true. I remember holding him and saying to him "I promise I will never tell you I hate you." Funny the things we think of when we're kids. Unfortunately by the time David was around 4ish, I broke my promise. I didn't play with little Davie boy as much as I should have because G.I Joe and boy toys weren't really my thing, and Barbie's and Strawberry Shortcake weren't his. But how grateful I am to have a brother! I'm finding as I get older and time passes that the people we love won't be in our lives here on this earth forever. One day my dad will pass away, and who will help ease that? My brother. If my mom out lives my dad, David will be the rock we all lean on, I have no doubt. Of course I will have my dear husband, but as far as us sibs?? We will be grateful to have the male influence because having that brings comfort and peace. And my brother happens to be very smart and intelligent and very much like my dad. I love him! Above is a picture of he and his daughter, and wife Krysta (whom I also happen to love very much!)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...PartV

I grew up as the middle child . There were 5 of us and I was number 3. I had 3 sisters growing up and one little brother. Boy, was there a heck of a lot of drama in our house! I can remember being 7 and my little sister Gina was 4, and she and I were playing in a box. I recall that we were having so much fun and it dawned at me at that very moment that I wanted her to be my very best friend. So I looked at her and said "Hey Gina, lets be buddies!!!" And I can honestly say from that day forward we were inseparable. I loved her so much I wanted us desperately to be twins. Her name was Gina, so I would say "Okay, I'll be Tina!!" hehehe. I cherish my memories of my baby sister, and at times miss it with all my heart.
April was the one that gave me info as a teenager. She was the one that gave me the scoop about kissing boys and what to expect as I went from a child to a woman. April was also the one that would let you borrow clothes. The rest of us were just too selfish! April is the one that calls everyone, and brings everyone's hard to explain!
My oldest sister Joely was the mean one, hahahaha!!! She would tell me that If I flushed the toilet I would actually go down it! And she would make me turn the channel for her and get her snacks because she knew I was afraid of her. She was 9 years older than me...I did what she asked, lol. But the interesting thing is, now that I am nearly 32, and she is 40, it's as though we are the same age. I look up to her so much. She is a registered nurse and I always know I can call her anytime I have a question about my kids or mine and Chris' health. She is an outstanding mom, and has never told her kids they would flush down the toilet. It is so true that once you get older, age is irrelevant!
I love my sisters so much, and they have impacted my life and I am so grateful to know they are always there, even if we all live so far apart. :)
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...Part IV

I have a very fond memory of being three years old, and seeing my dad in our back yard working so diligently to build my sisters and I our very own tree house. I actually remember him helping me up the's probably my earliest childhood memory. My dad has helped me up the ladder more than once in my life. I was really interested in this really hot guy at 16, and I knew my parents would not approve, so he and I would sneak and write letters. But being that my dad is the type to help me climb the ladder to the tree house, he opened my mail while I was gone one day and read all the juicy details hidden inside. Was I mad? Surprisingly no. I have always really respected my dad and the advice he gives me. And I loved him for caring about me. I think we as parents tend to be too hard on ourselves, spending too much time feeling guilt for what we've done or said that shouldn't have been done or said. I do this all the time. I should have "I'm A Guilty Mother" written all over my forehead. And not because I'm a bad mom, but because I am TOO hard on myself.
I have always been a somewhat fearful person, and the thoughts of losing a loved one has haunted me on a regular basis since I was about 7. I remember several times being petrified that my mom would die. Gosh, I love this woman so much! My mom is the perfect example of a parent who is too hard on themselves. I remind her regularly that she was and still is a wonderful mother! She taught me to pray for answers when I don 't know what to do. She is a woman of FAITH! My mom instilled in me that there is a higher being, and we don't have to live through this crazy world alone! Oh and she really is beautiful...
I love my parents because they did the very best they could in giving me a wonderful life, and they succeeded.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...Part III
This picture says it all as to why I love my boys. I sat them down to take their picture and instead of sitting there as the girls had, happily posing for pictures... they goofed off, over and over and OVER, until I was finally yelling "SIT YOUR LITTLE REARS STILL, AND SMILE!" They finally did after about 30 shots. In retrospect I'm sort of happy they acted that way because I am already laughing as I look at the pictures. Truth is, I ADORE my boys. When I think of the future, I picture 3 men towering over me, and offering me love and protection. They already give me this at the young ages of 5, 7, and 9. For whatever reason these boys think I am the greatest, and they love and need me so much. And I'll tell you a secret...I NEED them more.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...Part II
I was originally going to tell you why I love all my children as a whole, but I love my girls and my boys for very different reasons at times, so for now we'll start with why I love my girls. Gosh, lately I have been picturing the fact that one day when I am in my 50's, I will have three lovely women in my life. Them, plus me makes 4. I picture us talking and shopping, and getting and giving one another advice. I picture us cooking together, laughing together, crying together, and so what if this sounds corny! For now though, I love being able to go shopping with Halee, or playing play dough with little Grace, or holding little Scarlett in the rocking chair. Nurturing is one of my favorite things to do. Thank goodness I will one day be a Grandmother, or I may have (in the future) fallen apart with out being able to snuggle a baby! Oh, and I love PINK! I love having someones nails to paint and helping Halee straighten her hair! I'm so blessed to have had three girls and three boys, because they have given me so much joy in every way imaginable.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Why I Love The People I Love...Part I
Over the next few days I want to share with you why I love the people that are great in my life...I will start with number husband Chris. My natural instinct is to say I love him because he's a great father. Kind, loving, affectionate, blah, blah, blah. All of this is true, but it's the little reasons I love him the most. I love him because when I wake up in the morning looking scary (and trust me, my curls can go just a little hay wire) he still tells me I am beautiful and yummy. Whether or not he's telling the truth is yet to be discovered, but for now I'm choosing to believe him. I love him because I am number one to him. No one in his life has ever taken priority over me. I love him because he's the one that makes breakfast in the morning because I am not a breakfast person. I love that every Saturday for the past 12 and 1/2 years he has let me sleep until 9:00 AM every Saturday because he likes to get up early. I love him because he's not a pansy about changing poopy diapers. I love him because he like guns, is very conservative, and shares my views on politics and religion which is so important to me. I love him because he bites the end of my nose, and I laugh because I think it's funny and cute. I love him because he wants so badly to get a supply of food storage so that if something catastrophic happens he can say he was able to feed his wife and kids. I love that he works his butt off to keep us in a good financial position. I love that for whatever reason he thinks I'm really smart. I have to admit, he's a great father. Loving, kind and affectionate. I will stop now, but one more thing...I really do love this man.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Having so many kids has made me realize how different and unique each one of them are, and yet they also have so many resemblances. When little Scarlett came into the world, one of the first things I said was "It's Halee!" She looked so much like her, and continues to. I'll be changing Scarlett's diaper and feel like that I am literally raising Halee as a baby all over again. It reminds me of one of my favorite lines from the movie Cheaper By The Dozen when Bonnie Hunt says to her Husband of their oldest daughter "And then you blinked." One day Halee was tiny, and the next she's becoming a beautiful young lady...the next thing I know she'll be a grown woman. It really DOES happen in the blink of an eye. Below is a picture of my Scarlett, and then Halee (growing up on me.)

Thursday, October 22, 2009
Halee and Austin had an outdoor school they were going to this week and were required to bring rain shoes. So Saturday we packed up all 6 kids and head to Fred Meyer. To my relief I see rain boots on sale for 16.99. Cheap for rain boots right? Not when you're buying for 5 kids. Sure, I could JUST buy them for Halee and Austin, but rain boots are not something I typically treat my children to, so I couldn't help buying them each a pair as I watched their eyes grow big with the thoughts of having their very own. So we walked out with our $85 dollar purchase, and 5 very happy children. I was happy too! Until last night when Grace got a hold of a pen and hers are now covered with ink :( :( :(
I know I know, I have been a most horrible blogger the last few months! But I am turning over a new leaf now that Scarlett is 4 months old. It's time to get back to real life! I have come to the conclusion that there are not enough hours in the day. I don't know about the rest of you mommies, but I feel like I am constantly putting my children on the back burner. Not because I don't love them, or I don't want to be near them, but because there just AREN'T enough hours in the day. I need more of me then just ME!!!! I need two or three of me gosh darn it!! I did attempt to do play dough the other day and also coloring, and here is a picture of Grace playing with foam stickers that were originally intended for paper, but ended up on her face. When I looked at this picture it reminded me of how much I love her and all my kids and how I really DO need to spend more quality time.
Anyway, check back often, as I am also trying to be better at documenting my crazily busy life :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Taking a break...
Well, I have come to the realization that there are only so many things I can manage at this point in my life. I manage (partly) my husbands business. I manage keeping a personal journal for my posterity to one day reflect on. I manage taking care of 6 children including a newborn. I guess I can no longer also manage a blog! (At least for now.) I will however continue looking at all of your blogs because I LOVE seeing your families and knowing what everyone is up to! So for now this busy mama is taking a little break...:)
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Summer fun
My little Scarlett is now just over one month old and so sweet!! She had a cold over the weekend and fussed so much and I began to worry that maybe she was going to be a nightmare baby, but to my happy surprise she is much more content now. :) I am slowly adjusting to 6 kids too. It was very overwhelming at first and I was having some serious anxiety about taking them all out in public, but the last few weeks I have forced myself out of the house and the kids and I have gone to parks, hiking and on many picnics. I also have taken them to the beach the last few days due to this hot weather. It is my goal to go do things even though it is crazy chaotic! I don't want my kids growing up feeling that just because we have a large fam that we can't have fun!
Chris has been wanting a boat for a very long time, and we found an amazing deal on one, and I have to say it is one purchase I will NEVER regret. We have had more fun as a family this Summer than ever. We love to take a Saturday and pack lots of unhealthy food and soda's and spend all day long on the lake swimming, tubing, and for Chris water skiing. It has truly been a blast creating awesome memories with my family!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Welcome To A New World...
It all started Wednesday morning when I decided I just couldn't take being pregnant another minute (I know...I am a true wimp.) I called the Doctor and Chris and I went in and I proceeded to plead my case to the Doctor telling him I was just so tired and wanted this baby OUT. I was really afraid of what his reaction might be because I still had two days before I was even due, and it didn't help that I got stuck asking a Doctor I had not yet met before. My normal Doc was out for the day. For whatever reason he DID have sympathy for me and said he would arrange for me to be at the hospital that night.
We arrived around 7:30 p.m after leaving the kids with my oh so terrific friend Tammy, and they used the pills that ripen the cervix. They did this every 4 hours and Chris and I just slept in between. Unfortunately the pills only made a minor difference. So that morning around 7:45 they broke my water. We waited and I only had very minor contractions for a few hours. They said starting pitocin would be our best bet. I asked how fast I could get my epidural and they said "you say the word" so basically I got my epidural before I even felt hard labor. I had the BEST nurses anyone could ask for!!! I was also the only woman in labor at that time and so had more attention and care than I ever could have needed....and yet they were not overbearing. Honesty it was the best labor experience I have ever had. I pretty much just slept while we waited. A great ending to our family story I guess!! Scarlett Paige arrived just 3 1/2 hours after we started pitocin. I went from being dilated to a 6 to a 10 in only about 1/2 an hour. I pushed one time and she came right out! She was beautiful!!! I have to admit I swelled with tears of bittersweetness. Having babies thus far in my life has basically BEEN my life. Knowing this would be the last miracle was a bit sad, and yet I felt so much joy and gratitude for being called to be the mom to so many special spirits. It was instant love the minute we saw Scarlett. The kids came and so far love her to pieces...hopefully Grace will not have too many jealousy issues! None so far. :)
We arrived around 7:30 p.m after leaving the kids with my oh so terrific friend Tammy, and they used the pills that ripen the cervix. They did this every 4 hours and Chris and I just slept in between. Unfortunately the pills only made a minor difference. So that morning around 7:45 they broke my water. We waited and I only had very minor contractions for a few hours. They said starting pitocin would be our best bet. I asked how fast I could get my epidural and they said "you say the word" so basically I got my epidural before I even felt hard labor. I had the BEST nurses anyone could ask for!!! I was also the only woman in labor at that time and so had more attention and care than I ever could have needed....and yet they were not overbearing. Honesty it was the best labor experience I have ever had. I pretty much just slept while we waited. A great ending to our family story I guess!! Scarlett Paige arrived just 3 1/2 hours after we started pitocin. I went from being dilated to a 6 to a 10 in only about 1/2 an hour. I pushed one time and she came right out! She was beautiful!!! I have to admit I swelled with tears of bittersweetness. Having babies thus far in my life has basically BEEN my life. Knowing this would be the last miracle was a bit sad, and yet I felt so much joy and gratitude for being called to be the mom to so many special spirits. It was instant love the minute we saw Scarlett. The kids came and so far love her to pieces...hopefully Grace will not have too many jealousy issues! None so far. :)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Austin Turns Nine!
Yes, Austin is the big 9 today. B-days are happy and sad for me because it's fun and exciting, but then it also means they are getting older and I have less time with them. I know...empty nest syndrome already??? I am WEIRD. On the note of children growing older, I myself must be getting old. I remember the days I had huge crushes on the missionaries and they seemed so grown up and mature. You know...a REAL man, haha. Now I look at them and see my own boys through their eyes and how they will be there in 10 more short years. One thing I have learned from having children is that time is fleeting and it never stands still.
Happy birthday Austin...We love you!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Coming To The End...
I can hardly believe the time has come for this baby to arrive. In one way it seems the pregnancy has lasted forever, but in another it seems like I JUST conceived. I'm having mixed feelings due to the fact that it's my last. Part of me wants this baby out this very minute!! But then another part of me is sad to know I will never experience this miracle again. On to other seasons of life though...I have so much to be grateful for and so much to look forward to as I watch my children grow and have life experiences of their own. I wouldn't have it any other way.
The Doctor says I am dilated to one, 50 % effaced right now. Baby is VERYYYYY low. This has caused much discomfort in the last 3 or 4 days. I am not proud at all of my not so graceful waddling. (Especially with 5 kids in tow.) I have determined that people must think I am crazy. Luckily however, people are generally kind and considerate of the whole situation, and some even seem to admire me. (They must be the crazy ones!!, LOL!) So this is officially my LAST belly pic of this pregnancy. I made Chris take this today as I realized this baby could come at any time! I will update just as soon as the little one makes it's entrance!! :)
The Doctor says I am dilated to one, 50 % effaced right now. Baby is VERYYYYY low. This has caused much discomfort in the last 3 or 4 days. I am not proud at all of my not so graceful waddling. (Especially with 5 kids in tow.) I have determined that people must think I am crazy. Luckily however, people are generally kind and considerate of the whole situation, and some even seem to admire me. (They must be the crazy ones!!, LOL!) So this is officially my LAST belly pic of this pregnancy. I made Chris take this today as I realized this baby could come at any time! I will update just as soon as the little one makes it's entrance!! :)
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Happy Birthday Halee...

Halee turned the big 11 today!! Seriously I cannot believe I have a child who will be babysitting in one year...CRAZZZZYYY!!!!! I love this age because Halee is someone I can talk to on more of an adult level and that coupled with the fact that she's a girl is so much fun! Tonight her and I will be watching Twilight. She has never seen it, and has been literally BEGGING to watch it. Hopefully I'm making the right decision by letting her watch it. She is certainly excited!
Thank goodness Joe's Sporting Goods was having a going out of business sale, so we got her a GREAT deal on a motorized razor scooter. I can't get her off of it!!
We love you Halee so much!!!!! Our lives would be incomplete w/out you!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Doing the countdown!
Okay, so a few of my friends gently reminded me that they are so sick of seeing the post "My Baby Is Two" lol, so I figured it was time to post something new. This is the only recent self pic I have had taken lately (I'm trying at all costs to avoid cameras :P ) Anyway, we went to the Oregon coast for Mothers day and Chris took this shot in a funny hat shop we visited. The only thing that stands out to me though is the big belly! haha. I have actually felt really great though. I have my poor husband doing all kinds of crazy projects around the house. He's already painted all of the bedrooms with a fresh coat of paint. He will be laying tile in the bathrooms this weekend (luckily with the help of a friend.) Next he has to build shelving in the garage.) I swear with each new baby the "nesting" gets more and MORE out of control...good thing this is my last! I am starting to get so excited about having another sweet baby. Only one more month to go!!! :)
Friday, May 1, 2009
My baby is two....
and I cannot believe it!!!! It seriously seems as though she was just born. Then again, Halee is almost eleven and that too seems just like yesterday. Our kids are grown before we know it and I see it happening before my very eyes. It's hard when you can do nothing about it. I am just trying to cherish all the good times, despite our hectic non stop lifestyle of having 5 (almost 6) children. I love Grace because she has the sweetest disposition. For no reason at all she will come up to us and give us a kiss, or put her arms around our necks and just start hugging us. She has been such a huge joy in our lives and I feel so privileged to be her mommy! Happy birthday Lulu!!!

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