Sorry I have no pictures to share with this post, but I just wanted to share something really awesome that happened to us yesterday. We decided with all the snow we would take the kids sledding at the high school where there's a small incline they could sled down. It was quite a walk all the way across the football field in 3 feet of snow. We were huffing and puffing once we finally made it. About an hour into our play Chris says "Oh crap, my keys are gone!!!" Apparently they had been in his pocket, and had fallen through a whole in his zipper. The car was locked and it was slowly sinking in to us both that finding those keys in the huge span of snow we had trudged through and played in, was next to impossible. We decided as a family to say a prayer. Christian said it. All he said was "Dear Heavenly Father...please help us find the Jesus name, amen." Chris headed down the hill and later told me he prayed silently that the Lord would help him find the keys to show the kids that faith really does work. As he got to the bottom of the hill he stopped, took a big scoop out of the snow, and there were the keys buried underneath snow. We were
completely shocked to actually find those keys in just a matter of seconds. Chris and I didn't have much faith that our prayers would be answered, but maybe Christian and the other kids had enough to make it happen. We wouldn't have frozen to death had they not been found, and I am confident we would have been just fine, but we all walked away realizing that God really is everywhere and can make small miracles happen.