What is his name? Chris Robert
how long did you date? Not very long! Six months I think.
how long have you been married? 11 years next week
who eats more sweets? Oh that would be me.
who said I love you first? I seriously can't remember!
who is taller? He is
who is a better singer? Me
who is smarter? He always says I am, but he's not a dunce or anything! He's pretty smart too.
who does the laundry? Lucky me! My kids too though, and
sometimes Chris even pitches in.
who pays the bills? He does...thanks goodness!
who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Chris
who mows the lawn? Chris for sure! I don't mow lawns EVER!
who cooks dinner? Mostly me, but on weekends he makes us food after the kiddos go to bed and we party just the two of us. :)
who drives? I do more than he does
who is more stubborn? ME for SURE! He's
wayyy easier to live with then me.
who kissed who first? He kissed me
who asked who out? He did
who is more sensitive? I am a lot more sensitive then Chris. That's one thing I love about him, he's pretty grounded and always gives people the benefit of the doubt.
who has more siblings? He does. He has 8 biological
sibs and 14 adopted
sibs from Russia
who wears the pants? I like to think we both do, but if I had to choose I would say I probably do a little more, but I try not to take advantage of that power I know I have. :)
Okay, so I tag Jenny S. Jenny M. Rachel, and Patty