Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day....

I have to say that if someone were to ask me what my favorite day of the year is, I would have to say Christmas Eve. I love this day even better than Christmas itself because of all the excitement and anticipation. I also love tradition. Each year we make tons of finger foods like shrimp, meatballs, crackers with a variety of cheese, and many more. Later on in the evening we have yummy treats as you can see below. Gosh, is it any wonder I feel fat after Christmas?? hahaha. We also allow the kids to open up their very own set of pajamas and sometimes slippers, which we did this year. They were pretty excited. :)

Christian has been beating everybody up since he opened up this present...I thought Hulk was supposed to be a good guy.

I debated on whether or not to get the older kids an IPOD this year and after much thought I decided I would rather put that off a few more years. I'm not ready for that yet! Instead we got them each a guitar and some drums just in case they decide to form a band, lol. I thought these guitars would be looked at for about a day and then be old news, but to my pleasant surprise the kids LOVE them. They will all sit in the back room for an hour at a time coming up with different tunes. It's so cute!

Grace is a major lover of dolls. She was pretty proud of these two.

So now that Christmas is over I am ready for SPRING!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Little Miracles...

Sorry I have no pictures to share with this post, but I just wanted to share something really awesome that happened to us yesterday. We decided with all the snow we would take the kids sledding at the high school where there's a small incline they could sled down. It was quite a walk all the way across the football field in 3 feet of snow. We were huffing and puffing once we finally made it. About an hour into our play Chris says "Oh crap, my keys are gone!!!" Apparently they had been in his pocket, and had fallen through a whole in his zipper. The car was locked and it was slowly sinking in to us both that finding those keys in the huge span of snow we had trudged through and played in, was next to impossible. We decided as a family to say a prayer. Christian said it. All he said was "Dear Heavenly Father...please help us find the Jesus name, amen." Chris headed down the hill and later told me he prayed silently that the Lord would help him find the keys to show the kids that faith really does work. As he got to the bottom of the hill he stopped, took a big scoop out of the snow, and there were the keys buried underneath snow. We were completely shocked to actually find those keys in just a matter of seconds. Chris and I didn't have much faith that our prayers would be answered, but maybe Christian and the other kids had enough to make it happen. We wouldn't have frozen to death had they not been found, and I am confident we would have been just fine, but we all walked away realizing that God really is everywhere and can make small miracles happen.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Let It Snow Baby!!!

So far everyone I have talked to in my circle of friends does not want the snow to hit. I must be the odd ball because I absolutely and positively LOVE the SNOW!!!!! It finally started in last night while we all slept. We woke up to about 4 inches, and it's still coming down like crazy. Chris took the kids out into it today. Even Grace had a blast! I made them hot cocoa after. There is something about snow that makes the holidays that much more wonderful!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!

Okay, so yesterday we all loaded up in the SUV to get our Christmas tree. We usually allow the kids to mainly choose our tree, but this year I found this one, and absolutely loved it. They on the other hand hated it. They thought it was too small. HELLO! It looks pretty large to me! I think the Forrest setting gave them the idea it was small. Anyway, that is why Halee doesn't appear very enthusiastic in this first picture. In the end however, especially after seeing how large it truly was once we got it home, they ALL fell in love with our tree.

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! I LOVE this time of year!!!!!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I'm Pregnant!

I already sent out emails and posted on face book, but just in case I missed anyone, we are happily expecting another baby in June!!!! I have basically been sick as usual, but honestly...sicker than usual. I am surviving though, especially knowing this is our last. Only a few more weeks of yuckiness I hope! I'm honestly trying to enjoy every moment even though it hasn't been easy. Knowing it's my last is bitter sweet, but I know and feel it is right. Bring on this last baby! :) :) :)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

This Is What Happens...

when your husband is in charge...uh, MY husband that is. I made cupcakes for FHE Monday and left for a quick minute and came back to Grace eating straight from the frosting. His excuse??? She just wanted it. She better be happy that she is Daddy's little girl...because she has him wrapped right around her little finger. :)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I Really DO Love them....

A very common occurrence in our household seems to be our kids arguing and fighting over the silliest of things. In moments like these however, I am literally racing for the camera because these moments remind me that it is all worth it.

Monday, November 10, 2008

My Flying Child....

Just wanted to share this funny picture. We had the jump rope out the other day and Connor snuck into the camera and happened to catch Austin flying through the air. Austin was pretty proud of this picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Carving Pumpkins, and Halloween...

These are in backward order (sorry!) The kids had so much fun dressing up this year. Halee was a gypsy, Austin a cowboy, Connor Dracula, Christian *Dash* from Incredibles, and Grace our cute little Monkey. I love Halloween!!! I'll be glad when the candy runs short though....
This Halloween was especially nice because it was warm compared to past ones!!!

Here a few pics from Carving Pumpkins...I always love this. Chris is the carver... mostly because I can't handle the mess, but the kids LOVE helping.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I Love Autumn...

Spring is typically my most favorite season but for some reason this year, fall has been so wonderful! I think it must be because it's been so sunny. It's still been cold, but I'm ready for a little cold air! We took our lovely kiddies to the pumpkin patch today. Chris took the day off and we had so much fun. I don't know what I would do without kids because they keep the excitement in the little things like picking out pumpkins.Grace was all over the place and loving every minute of it!

I thought this picture of Christian and Grace turned out funny because it's almost as though they are attempting to look at each other...

I wish fall would last a REALLY long time....

Monday, October 13, 2008

Six Random Things...

I have been tagged by my friend Jen! Here are six random things about me...

1. I love, love LOVE Oreo cookies. I could eat them always, and this is why I rarely buy them. :)

2. I have a thing for pajamas. I love getting new pajamas, even if no one but my family can look at them. They are so cozy and I love cotton ones the best.

3. I need simplicity in my life. I can't have clutter in my house, and I MUST have order in everything. I'm a little nutso in this area.

4. I hate wearing socks to bed. I have to be barefoot.

5. I love to get new books from the library, but I usually only read the first three or four chapters and then I don't finish. I often wonder if I am just trying to convince myself that I like to read??

6. I am a lover. What a mean by this is that I love to nurture and take care of people, and even cuddle sometimes. :)

So I tag: Tammy, Alexis, Erin, and Wendy

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Meanest Mom On Earth...

I have officially earned the BAD mom of the day award. Earlier this evening the kids ran into the house saying a lady had given away a homeless kitty...well of course they thought they had struck gold. I am not much of an animal person but this kitty was really beautiful and so cuddly, however Christian and myself are allergic to animals so it just WOULDN'T WORK!!!! I told them this over and over but it in no way assuaged their hurt and anger. Chris and I later found them hiding the cat on top of the bed in their room. They thought they could get away with this. Have they not yet figured out that mom's have eyes in the back of their heads??? Anyway to make a long story short I called my friend and asked her to take it for the night so the kids didn't get more attached. When I got ready to take the kitty away they all started bawling, and crying. I have never seen them all cry together so hysterically. It was hard not to laugh due to the drama over this kitty, but my heart strings felt awful for them. Anyway they insisted on a picture with the kitty who was theirs for 2 whole hours... they had determined I was the meanest mom alive.

One more thing...I'd like to give the lady who randomly gave a kitty away with out a parents permission a good kick in the rear!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Fun Dad's And Love Notes....

One of my favorite things to recall in my own childhood is the fact that I had such a fun, and funny dad! He may have traveled often due to business, but when he was home, he was always making up funny songs and forcing them to rhyme even if they made virtually no sense. But that is what made them funny. I always wanted to marry someone that would be an outstanding dad also. One who would be playful and fun. Chris is JUST that. Periodically he becomes "big mean scary guy." He will chase the kids through the house like a mad man and they just LOVE IT!!! Our neighbors probably think someone is getting abused around here with how loud it gets. Here he is being "Big mean scary guy..." He wasn't too happy that I took his picture, and little does he know I'm sharing it. ;)

I don't know how I managed catching Halee mid-air. But when dad is chasing the kids are running like crazy.
One more thing to share...It's not often I get love notes from other men besides Chris, but I had to share this sweet one from Austin. He is such a sensitive boy, and has a huge part of my heart like all my sweet kiddies do.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Computer Addictions And Sharing Beds...

I think I have been somewhat of a bad example to my 16 month old. I found her sitting at the computer looking at a blank screen and typing. When I tried to pull her away she got angry...hmm...I think she may take after her mommy. :) At least I am actually looking at something on the screen when I am on it though!
Every night before I go to bed I check on the kids to make sure they are all safe and sound. Connor and Christian share a full size bed, but according t0 this picture I guess the would prefer a twin size! I thought it was sweet...
And this morning I came into this. The kids all crammed into one bed to warm up. It's these rare moments as a mother that remind me how fun and wonderful it is to have all these children.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Home Schooling....

So, most of you know that our kids go to a private school and that it is VERY small. Halee is in 5Th grade, and 5Th through 8th is combined totalling about 25 kids in those grades. The whole school has around 50 kids total. Anyhow, Halee is friends with all the 6Th grade girls because there are no girls in her grade. To make a long story short, all the 6Th graders went to an outdoor school program this week leaving Halee with no one anywhere near her age (except boys.) So, I arranged with the Teacher to do her work at home this week. I have to say I have learned two things from this so far. One...I could DO this if I really wanted to, and actually have fun with it!! And, I'm wondering why Halee is at school for 8 hours when we got her work done in half the time? I love that my kids are happy in school, and I will continue to send them because I am just not enough of a super mom to take that on, but I do wish there wasn't so much wasted time! Sorry to sound negative. All in all, I loved having Halee around and helping and watching her learn. It was great! :)

Thursday, September 4, 2008

My Silly Little Girl....

I love this age because the most odd things can be such great entertainment. Grace played with this cowboy hat for a good half hour. Half the time she wore it clear down over her whole face. She's lucky she didn't run into something! When I tried to take it away she WAS ticked. I gave up and let her have her fun! :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wallowa Lake

We got back yesterday from our 4 day trip to Wallowa Lake. It was so nice to be together as a family! We stayed at a cabin that was in such a beautiful and private setting. It was great because there was no T.V or telephones...just what the Doctor ordered. The highlight of the trip was riding a tram car up 8,200 feet into the beautiful mountains. The chipmunks and squirrels just ate right out of your hand! The kids LOVED it! I told Chris that being up so high made me feel I was closer to heaven then EVER! IT was just magnificent. I guess all good things come to an end though. Here are some pics from our trip...
This is on top where all the mountains surrounded us. We hiked a few miles and the kids didn't mind because of all the cute animals along the way...

This is where we stayed...the kids played ball and there was a huge red barn they loved looking through and rabbits were there. We would see about 5 deer in the yard every morning when we woke up. It made we want to live in the country SO bad!

The hammock was one of my favorite pastimes....
Until next years vacation....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I thought I would post an update as to all the sadness I was feeling last week when the kids started school. I have absolutely LOVED all this time to get stuff done!!! I of course still miss the kids but they are so happy in school and with their classmates and teachers. So I am not sad anymore and in fact have been able to get back to exercising (which I went about two months doing nothing in that area.) Plus I actually have time to clean and cook more stuff more often. My most favorite part though is that I have so much one on one time with Grace. She is so much fun!!! I was so worried that we would be bored, but we have kept so busy and it's been so much FUN!!!!! So no more tears here. And to all you moms with little ones at home, it DOES get easier!!!! :)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Family Visits And Lost Lake...

My sister April and her son (my nephew) Josh came to visit this weekend. We had so much staying up late eating cold mexican and too much chocolate! I wanted to share some photo's from our venture out to lost lake. ENJOY!